Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are I.T workers are Professional?/YES or NO?

Yes IT are professionals in terms of the their skills. IT are
professional because IT is not far from other courses such as now all
the establishment and all the company is using high-technology such
computer and I.T is a branch of engineering that deals with the use of
computers and telecommunication to retrieve and store and transmit
information that's why I.T is more in demand course than other courses
right now. The professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications.
And if you have finished your course degree even if it's in IT your now professional.


1.Get advices in the family and friends.
2.Consider the consequence of your decision because one wrong decision
can make your business down.
3.You must to develop and evaluate option if your business
gone wrong.
4.Evaluate the result of your decisions to know what is good or
bad move to your business.
5.Review your decision to avoid mistake decision that can make your business bad.
6.Preventing the rule or guidelines.
7.Study what is your best decision.